Wednesday 30 September 2015

Glaring at the sky
"There are so many things in this world that I have seen and mostly unseen. In this life's full of mystery,  just me  staring blankly at the age of 26."  -Kryslen-

I know, I am not that old  but I am starting to feel that I am getting there soon. I am turning 27 this coming 18th October and I am a little bit kinda looking back of what wonderful things happened for the 26 years of my existence. I am blessed with so many life stories with people I didn't expect to meet and places that I never thought I could go. Really. In my life's journey these are the things I realized.
Numerous thoughts.
1. People come and go
    You go to a place and then you have your new housemates, new co-workers or church mates and  then some point, as life's nature, they will be a part of your memories. They have to leave or you have to go somewhere else. No matter how close you were, you will just be FB friends and rarely talking but the best thing is that in your hearts you are friends forever. The only people left in the long run are your family, always. Apart from this, you cannot escape meeting the good, the bad, and the ugly in life. You will get hurt at some point by these people but time heals and you will learn that you also have true friend who never left you in every life's battle.
2.  True Love
            I believe only God knows who your true love is. This part of a person's journey is important in which everyone should learn how to wait patiently. It need God's perfect timing and trusting His perfect will.
    Never did I feel that I am the saddest person in the world, if I don't have a love life. I never struggled in this stage because I praise God that I grew single and enjoying little things even when I am alone. But I did had a boyfriend for 5 years but it never worked out. That was a long distance relationship  by the way. And I realized that if it's not meant to be then, it will never b and you just have to move on in life.
3. Christianity
          That it is not just a title but a personal relationship with our creator and sovereign God is what made us Christian. The more I am getting older, the more I am getting to know Him in many ways. I am currently a student at the Bible School here in Qatar and never did I imagine that God will give me this opportunity to work and study at the same time. Knowing who really God is in spite of life's circumstances is one of the greatest event in my life and truly it made me bolder in sharing what He has done in my life to other people which is really for me is a big miracle!.
     If you  really let the Holy Spirit fill in your life and have a total surrender to God in everything whatever happens it will come to pass.

4. That faith can move mountains!
    In many ways, in different circumstances, faith is required in moving mountains. And I always bring faith with me wherever I go. many times, faith saved me from the curses of life. There was a point in my life where I got bell's palsy and then I thought my career ended. I was so afraid and terrified that time because I don't know when I am going to be okay. I went home to the Philippines since I was working at Singapore that time. That was the perfect timing God used for me to know Him, His power and His provision, the healing process in all aspects of my life and that was faith!. And then many times I caught myself in the situation where I need to find a job and so stressed out, but God provided me everything and that's again faith, going to the unknown and believe that God will show up and get there.

5. Family
    No matter what happens in this life, as long as you have your family who will never leave you. Everything is fine and they are the biggest treasure apart from God and few  true friends. They are the one's who helped me being me today. They mold my character and God's precious gift!.

Now, there are still so many things in my mind and still trying to figure things out.

And I Praise God for the abundance of life ! ! !



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